Monday, June 8, 2009


I recently started reading a book by Bruce Wilkinson called The Dream Giver. The book is all about dreams, how everyone has a "Big Dream", and why we should pursue our dreams. I personally have found the first 3/4 of this book AMAZING. My mom told me to read it, knowing that I have been having some struggles with how to pursue my dream. Now, I personally think my mom knows everything, but I think it was also a little bit of a Godsend because the timing of it was just too perfect. Anyway for those of you who don't know my "Big Dream" is to be a professional baseball player. I am fully aware of the "chances of making it", the "percentages", and the amount of people who do not end up making it to a career in professional sports (baseball in particular). But even with all of that I want to pursue my dream as far as God will let me. If that means just playing through high school or college then so be it. If I end up making it pro HALLELUJAH! The thing is, I want to pursue my dream. Now in my pursuit of my dream I have come upon road block upon roadblock and slow down upon slow down. I won't go into the details, but lets just say I was having some serious doubts about what I was doing and I was becoming more and more unbelieving about what God wanted me to do with my life. I went through about 5 months of this craziness, of not knowing what I was doing. Then, through the encouragement of a few friends and reading this book, God started to open doors for me to get back on the road to my dream. I didn't really understand why He was doing it when I was going through it, but now that I am out of it and I'm pursuing my dream at full force again I am realizing that he used that time of unsureness and confusion as a way to strengthen my relationship with Him, particularly in the area of trusting Him. I'm still not certain about how far God will have me pursue my dream, but no matter how far I get with it doesn't really matter, because what he is teaching me through my pursuit of my dream is far more valuable than making it to the professional level of baseball. If you have a dream you are pursuing, or were pursuing, or haven't yet started pursuing I would encourage you to read The Dream Giver. It will dramatically change the outlook you have on your dream and the way pursuit your dream.


  1. That is really cool, Taylor! wow... there have been SO many things lately that have just shown me more and more how WONDERFULLY AMAZING God is. Thanks for posting this! Oh, and that sounds like an incredible book! I'll definitely look into it. :)

  2. Thank you for posting this! This is a great encouragement and I will definitely read that book sometime.
    btw, you could totally make it to the pros!

  3. Your welcome, both of you :). Haha Kaylee have you ever seen me play? I could be just one of those wannabes that seriously have no chance of making it, but want to try anyway ;).

  4. That's so cool! I'll definitely read it. I'm trying to figure out when I can come up, but I can't wait to watch you guys play.

  5. I just read your list of Things you decided Just aren't Smart... haha, wow... you tried to blow out the sliding glass door with a potato cannon?! And putting the capo on your nose definitely hurts. :P

  6. Oh my gosh, sorry Kayla. I read the first little bit of your comment and I thought it was Kaylee. Sorry :P. Yeah we did blow out our back door with a potato cannon lol. If you come to our house you will have to see it and get the whole story.

  7. Haha that's a good excuse. :P

  8. *a good excuse to come over I mean. :) Now you need a good excuse to come to soccer. ;)

  9. Hahaha yeah I gotcha :). Good excuse for about coming to play soccer?

  10. Tay great post...I just have to say, God doesn't give us dreams and then dangle them there in front of our noses...he does purpose for us to go after those dreams, set goals and walk forward...but always let Him decide which direction we go....sometimes one dream is simply a catalyst to getting somewhere else in life that God has planned... :) Love you kid...

    Oh and Kaylee - Yes please go to the house, see the damage left by a potato canon and make sure you get THE FULL STORY!!! LOL It is Nugent History there....

  11. Haha perfect excuse to come to soccer! :) You're so smart. lol And now i have a good exucse to come to your house! To learn the Nugent history! :D

    Keri - haha! i will definitely get the full story. :P

    Oooooh and good news, Taylor! I'm even more Irish than I thought. :D Yeay! lol

  12. Thanks sis :).

    Yeah Kaylee, if you want "to learn the Nugent history" you might get more than you bargained for ;). The Potato Cannon story is a classic though lol.

    Awesome! We should trace our heritage and see if our great great great great grandparents were like neighbors or something LOL.

  13. hahaha yeah, that would be fun.

    LOL, that would be awesome.

  14. Hey, I saw Barett at church today!! LOL Where were you?! :)

  15. Yeah he was down there visiting Keith.... and I was evangelizing lol. It was pretty amazing, you should have Katelyn and Lyssa tell you about it.

  16. haha okay, cool! I will ask them. Can you post about M:X? Please??

  17. Yeah I am trying to get some time to do that. I need some time though cause that is going to be a big one and I don't want to screw it up lol.

  18. haha gotcha. lol i'm sure you'll do great. :) i saw the m:x blog and i am so excited. It looks like you guys had a blast! Just seeing the pictures got me really excited!!! lol
