Monday, November 23, 2009

World Government?

Hey! How about this? Lets start a world government! Bring the nations of the world together! Everybody unite!

Ok, now some of you read that and may have gone "Hm, sounds pretty good, why not?" Others read that and went "Wow! Taylor's off his rocker!" Well if you thought the second you are right. I am not the one say that though, our government officials are. If you thought the first then open your bible up to Revelation and start reading...and don't stop.

I just have to ask...WHAT ARE WE THINKING?!?!?!?! They (our congressmen, Senators, and President) are talking about a one world government like it would be the answer to our problems and it is seriously making me crazy! Just think for a minute about what our lives would look like if we were government by International Law. Not our laws; International Laws. Now think about what that would do to our country. Do you get a rose colored picture in your head? I hope not.

Now I will be the first to say that America is not perfect. We have our problems and as of recent years our problems are growing, but I will say that I am still proud to be an American. Because no matter how bad things get here we are still citizens of the most powerful, wealthy, and influential country in the world. And you know what? I am not willing to give that up to become a part of some insane one world government.

As a country, America has become very immoral and sinful, but it is still the only place where ANYONE can worship in whatever manner they choose to. People can say whatever they want to. People can meet together and organize themselves in support of a cause. We are free! Other countries, they're not free. Even countries that we sometimes think are free are not really free. Almost every other country in the world has restrictions on it's citizens in some way or another. And guess what? Do you think that all that is going to go away when we come under this one world government? No. Our country will become the same as the others. Is that something you want? You get a pretty bad looking picture in your head now don't you?

These are only some of the implications that a one world government has. I would encourage you all to learn more about what is going on in our country so that you will be able to think for yourself and discern what is right and what isn't. I will be posting more on this and other subjects soon. Till then, thanks for reading.



  1. Umm... I say One World Government sucks.
    If that ever did happen... God would more then likely be blotted out...
    Thanks for posting this =)

  2. I agree! It's crazy with obama going to china and all these other countries, when i think of president i think of someone who will be thinking of our needs and protecting us. It's pretty creepy to think that he wants world peace.

    Thanks for posting!

  3. Yeah, "creepy" is a good word Lacey. I am writing another one on this topic, I just wanted to get one out there to keep y'all hooked :P. This post was kinda vague so I am going to expand on some of the points in the next one. :)

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