Monday, December 28, 2009

Socialism-Communism's Brother and Capitalisms Arch Enemy

This is something I just can't get my head around. Maybe you all can help me. As far as I know, we are still living in the United States of America. Correct me on that if I am wrong. I don't think I am wrong so I am going to proceed under the assumption that we are. If that is true, then there is something that is really hard for me to fathom. It is just this: How can the country that has spent every year from its formation fighting for freedom, justice, and the American way now be turning into the very things we fought so hard against?

I know the reasons why. We have become a humanistic self-centered country and culture. We have erased God from every part of our government and our own minds. I get the "why" we are turning into the very evil we have fought against. I am just asking "how". I know that the "why" kind of answers the "how", and that may be the only reasons for how we are turning into what we are turning into, but I just CAN NOT get over the fact that we are turning into the very things we have fought AGAINST for so long.

In the late 40's and into the 50's there was a time period called "the red scare". The people in our country were terrified by the thought of communism and what it would do to our system of Capitalism. It was a TOTALLY anti-communism time period. It was so anti-communism that it got a little bit out of control. People were being accused of being communists with really no real evidence against them to prove it and it led to "the red scare". People were afraid of communists infiltrating our government and people were afraid of being accused of being a communist themselves.

Now, although that time period was a little chaotic, it epitomizes what America's attitude toward communism is: we hate it and we don't want it here! We are for freedom, justice, and Capitalism. Communism is the opposite of ALL those things. I can not say everyone hates it though, because some of our politicians are dragging us into it. I will explain that in a moment.

The "red scare" was a little overkill, but I have to say that I would prefer a little over zealousness in making sure we do not become a communist nation rather than letting our country be dragged into socialism and communism. That is what has happened though. We have let our guard down and let progressive, left-wing, socialistic, and anti-capitalistic people run our government.

During the "red scare" the progressives saw that there was no way that they were just going to bring communism into America. They had to disguise it. Make it more subtle and harder to see. This is where socialism comes in handy. You see, Americans know that communism is bad. If you were alive back in the 50's and 60's you saw what it did to Russia and if you weren't alive back then, then you have probably read about it. The point is that American's would not just let communism come into our country and make itself at home. We know that it's a dead end.

Socialism on the other hand is not so black and white; not so cut and dry. Socialism sounds good (unless you have a working brain). It makes people think that everyone will be equal and everyone will enjoy all the same freedoms and liberties. And you will. Only the freedoms and liberties you enjoy will be chosen for you by the government. Gee, that doesn't exactly sound like freedom or liberty. Socialism says: "no more letting people who have worked hard for themselves reap the profit from their work. NO! Everyone, whether you deserve it or not, is getting an equal portion in EVERYTHING!" That's why I said it sounds good unless you have a working brain.

Socialism, as the title of this post says, is the brother of communism. Actually it is the "little brother" of communism. Because as socialism grows and matures it emulates it's older brother to the point where you can't tell them apart. Like TWINS!

Socialism is just one step away from communism, and we are heading that way. If this Health Care Bill passes, that will be the first step toward socialism and it will only get worse from their unless our country turns around in a dramatic way.

I know this sounds dismal, but my philosophy with this whole thing is "plan for the worst; hope and pray for the best". Keep praying. Pray for our leaders, especially our president. God knows that I do not care one bit for our president or almost ALL of our other government officials, but you can pray for them and still not agree with them. I do not agree with a single thing that Obama has done so far, but I still pray that God would change his heart. There is nothing wrong that. I encourage you to do it.

Also, stay active and aware. Help in whatever way you can to wake people up and let them see that we are headed down a bad road. Keep calling your senators and congressmen. Tell them what you want them to do. Tell them to start doing their jobs! They are our representatives. You think it's about time they started representing us? I do. Aside form a choice few, our senators and congressmen are ding nothing more than working to advance themselves, their careers, and their own personal agendas. It's time that they start doing their jobs and start earning those six figure salaries that WE are paying for!

I know this was all a bit heated and if you all have any concerns, questions, or comments, don't hesitate to let me know. If you are concerned for my sanity or sanctification, let me know. Also, if you think I am losing my mind or going off the deep end, let me know. I love the feedback and I need input, because I can get a little frustrated with this stuff sometimes and I can go a little crazy. Thanks for reading.


  1. 1. Pray Hard
    2. pray even harder
    3. if you think your going crazy... you should see Steven when he gets going haha :P
    Thanks for posting

  2. haha...your not losing you mind....i enjoy reading the spewings of your brain haha!!! I really liked the anaolgy you used about the brother... and you and my mom could probably talk for dayssssssss and nightssssssssss hahha... :)

  3. Kayla: Thanks, I am praying as hard as I know how right about now :P. And I have heard Steven get going a little bit, I wish I had some time to talk to him about some of this stuff more in depth.

    Lacey: Thanks for that reassuring and encouraging word haha. Your mom is really active politically then, I am guessing?

  4. well she sure as heck tries to be...we actually did something as far as the pro-life movement...check this out

    but if you came up to visit or i came and mom would have a ball...hahaha


  5. Yeah, she must be pretty busy, I can't even imagine :P. I will check out that website, thanks for giving me the address (since I am so technologically challenged) haha.


    We talked aboutt his in my Government/Economics class last year; it is scary how close we are to Socialism!
    You're not crazy; your posts make me think really hard.

  7. Thanks Katelyn, I appreciate the feedback and the reassurance that I am not losing my mind haha.
