Friday, September 17, 2010

1 Peter 2:19-20 says....

"For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God."

This scripture was one that I had read numerous times over the years, but had forgotten about until my wonderful mother, mindful of how I was struggling, referred me to it just a few weeks ago. I have been contemplating it, pondering it, and just letting it resonate in my mind for these past few weeks and I have found it very encouraging.

I'm sure all of us can relate to this verse on one level or another so I thought I'd post it as a reminder that God isn't missing anything. He isn't sitting back and watching as we are beaten down and suffering. He sees it all and He's right there with us. We may not see the reasoning behind our suffering, but God never does anything that isn't for our good. So I think we can all take heart in the knowledge that although our circumstances may look like the worst ever, God works everything out for good and he WILL work everything out for good. All we have to do is trust Him and endure.

I know from my own experience that saying this and living it are two totally different things. This all sounds good and it is encouraging, but what happens tomorrow when this isn't the only things going through your mind and the troubles and anxieties of life are weighing on you?..... "Well, thanks Taylor for letting us know it's hopeless...." It's not hopeless. Not with God at least. By ourselves? Yeah, then it's hopeless. But we aren't by ourselves. We have the Holy Spirit living within us 24/7, we have a God who we can pray to 24/7, and we have God's word available for us to read 24/7. I'd say we're good to go.

I think God sets things up like this so we HAVE to depend on Him. Cause when we aren't looking to Him for our strength then we will be overwhelmed by the troubles of this world and we can read all the encouraging things in the world, but it won't make a difference. We need God, every day, every minute.

So that was the encouragement now here is the challenge, and this is to myself too. Be aware of God. Throughout your day be aware of His presence and His promptings. Really be drawing on Him for power and strength and see what happens.

This post is really just for me. This is what God has been telling me lately and I just have to write it out to try and wrap my head around it so I figured I'd write it on here and hope it was encouraging to y'all. So yeah I hope it was encouraging. Thanks for reading!


  1. Thanks for that, Taylor! I do tend to forget.

  2. It was very encouraging, thanks brother <3

  3. Thank you! I've been struggling with this too.
    I found that going on walks and opening your mind to all the little things God has made really reminds me that he is everywhere.
    Also the new song we've been singing at church (Forever Reign) really helps. Great post!
