Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Meet the Nugents

I was thinking today about the blog and I realized that not all of you know all of my family members (or at least know who everyone is). So, to remedy that I have put together a little slide show. This little slide show will introduce you to all the Nugents....yes all of them :).


  1. Hey it's good to see you on blogspot! :)

  2. Oh my gosh you guys, this is so cool! Welcome to the blog world!

  3. Hi, we found your blog. It's really nice. Can't wait to see more posts!!!

  4. This is cool! I can't wait to see what kinds of stories get posted! :) Emmy looks sooo old now! :( It's CRAZY! I still picture her as little baby!

  5. The stories are in a little bit of short supply right now, because the games have not started yet, but they will be coming :D. Yeah, she is growing up, which is exciting, but sad at the same time cause I wish she would stay that little forever :P.

  6. no prob. Oh, and by the way... I couldn't help noticing that soccer is winning on the sports pole. *evil villain laugh* JK! I bet Rachel already helped you out though! :) Not that I'm competitive or anything. *evil villain laugh, yet again* Hahaha :D sooo... yeah. Continuing the Slingo/Nugent rivalry over sports. :D

  7. Yeah, I saw those appalling results and it almost sent me into cardiac arrest haha. I was not too surprised actually considering most of the people that view this blog are soccer fans (your poor minds are so corrupted). I will keep you all in my prayers though, I believe God can change people and I have faith in Him for it hahaha.

  8. hahaha!!! rrriiigghhhtt.....well.. good luck! :) hahaha
