Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little introduction...

Since this blog is mostly going to be filled with all the things that go on in the "baseball side" of our lives I thought I would give you all a little insight into just how much baseball happens in our lives ;). So, here is the basic layout..... in Florida we are blessed with "reasonably" warm weather all year round so we are also blessed with the chance to play sports (in our case baseball) all year round. In our family baseball season starts in January and it ends in either very late November or early December (so the word "season" is kind of all-inclusive). As of yesterday I am officially on the Trinity Christian Academy high school baseball team and as of last Thursday Daniel's, Dewey's, and Owen's baseball season all started. So, we have all 4 of us boys playing at the same time. Which means that there are 4 DIFFERENT practice and game schedules (all of which my parents have to organize and plan for....let's give them a big hand shall we? *CLAPPING*). Now, since we have 4 different practice and game schedules all active at the same time that means that there are (at a VERY good average) maybe 3 days out of every month that are without a baseball game or practice. It is on those very rare days that baseball is absent in our lives that my parents take a little much deserved time for themselves...my parents are (if you haven't picked up on this already) two of the most selfless and wonderful people I know. So, now you have a rough idea of what we do all day :-D. More specific details are coming just as soon as something funny, crazy, hilarious, weird, or out of the ordinary happens.


  1. Hello there fellow blogger! I can't wait to here some crazy stories! Hope your having a good week!

  2. Hey there! The crazy stories are coming soon, I was just talking to Dewey and Daniel to see if they had any or whether they could remember any and they said they would get back to me :P.

  3. ...and in your house, that shouldn't be take too long ;-p (for something weird to happen)
