Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I think all of you know that I am going to Haiti this Summer, but for those of you who don't I just wanted to let you know that I am. Ok, now that we have that out of the way let me get to what this post is about. Two weeks ago every one who is going on a missions trip (doesn't matter where) met together after church. Jesse Jarvis was heading up the meeting and he was basically just getting us all up to speed on what's going on, what has gone on, and what needs to go on. There was a lot of discussion on fund-raising and all that goes into it, Jesse gave us some details on the Daytona missions trip and how that is all working out, and then at the end he asked for some volunteers to share about where they are going for Mission X and why they wanted to go. When I say share I mean share with the WHOLE church. My first thought was "Ha, funny....I'll let someone else volunteer for this one", but almost as soon as I had finished thinking that thought God really convicted me for being such a coward, because that is exactly what I was being. I was letting my fear of public speaking get in the way of something that God wanted me to do. So, after fighting with myself for a few minutes I got the nerve to volunteer. I was supposed to share last Sunday, but it got postponed to next week. Anyway, throughout the last week I had some pretty mixed feelings about sharing. For the first 20 minutes after I volunteered I was like "yeah, this is great I can do this" then I was struck with the horrifying thought of "What if I mess up?!" For the rest of the week I was pretty nervous about the whole thing, even after I had gotten a whole little outline of what I was going to say written down. The entire thing is only going to be about 5 minutes or less, but I still found myself worrying about it. I even had the thought of calling Jesse and telling him I would not be able to do it, because something "totally unexpected" had come up. I continued being anxious and nervous until God led me to Matthew 6:25-31 where Jesus tells us "not to be anxious about our lives" and he asks "which one of you can add a single hour to his life by worrying?".  The truth of that passage sunk in almost immediately and I realized how stupid I was being by letting my anxieties get the best of me. As far as I know I am not the only one that has this "fear" of speaking in front of large groups (thank God I am not alone). So, I would like to pose the question to all of you who are reading: Why do YOU think that people have this "fear" or "uneasiness" with speaking in front of large groups of people? I sincerely would like to know what you all think, so just leave your answer in the comment area and let me know. I hope you enjoyed this post and for those of you who are like me and are prone to be nervous and anxious I hope that you will look into Matthew 6:25-29. Thanks for reading.


  1. Awesome scripture!! I was really feeling the same way. I think what we were both feeling (along with everyone else who doesn't like public speaking) is just plain, old fear of man. We are scared of what people will think of us if we were to mess up. Thanks for posting this! Very helpful!!

    I'm so glad so many of us are going to Haiti together!! I'm so excited!! :D

  2. Yeah. I agree with Sarah. Just plain, the fear of man. This is a great post. I definitely need to work on speaking up and not being afraid to share or even to be prayed for. Great verse! I had memorized it before in school and stuff along with other verses, but I hadn't really thought about it too much. I'm sure that you, Sarah, and whoever else is sharing will do a great job. I'll be praying that the trip to Haiti goes well! Tori is SOOOO excited! :D

  3. Interesting thought Tay... I am so thrilled that you are going to Haiti!!! I know God will do mighty works through you while there! :) (And before then I am sure) As for fear of public speaking, just remember it is "natural" and that even Moses argued with God on this one! But God will not only give you the words to speak but the courage and confidence to speak them. I will be praying for you and the entire team!! Love you!

  4. you need to post something, you havnt posted anything in awhile!!

  5. Yeah, that is cause I have a life aside from this lol. I will be posting pretty soon. The only excuse I can offer is that I have just "not had that time". ;)

  6. YEAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

    I'm so excited for you.
