Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Roadkill + Paintball Gun + Turkey Buzzard = One Fun Time!

So, yesterday Daniel comes into the house and informs us that there "is something dead in the road" so naturally we go to investigate. We come to find out that that "something" is the possum that has been raiding our trash for the past several weeks. Needless to say there were no tears shed for the little creature and no, he did not get a christian burial, he was the cause of much joy and laughter though. Shortly after we found him we discovered that vultures are attracted to dead things on the road (go figure right?). Well, we didn't think it was right that the poor little rodent's body was being desecrated by those nasty vultures (even though he had turned the side of our house into a disaster area several times). So, we decided to act......violently. This video shows of how we kept those nasty vultures from picking that poor little possum to pieces.

Just in case you can't see, I do hit the one, the second shot misses though.


  1. Luck of the Irish, I guess. ;D That's hilarious. Looks like something Tyler and Josh would do... After which, Mariah and I would give it a Christian burial...

  2. Yeah, something like that. I think Tyler should come hang out with us sometime ;).

  3. LOL That is so funny!! Good shot Tay!

  4. Thank you, and did you see I got your blogs up there? ;)
