Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Freezing Fun....

This story does not have anything to do with baseball, but it does give a little insight into what my little brothers are like, so here we go. With the weather like it is (in the 20' s) my little brothers Dewey and Daniel decided they want to do a little "science experiment" (at least that is what they told my mom). At about 5:30 p.m.  today they got the brilliant idea to take all kinds of containers, fill them with water, and see how they freeze in different ways overnight. So, we have: A drinking cup, a milk jug, a small water balloon, a medium sized water balloon, a HUGE water balloon, and about ten other items form my mom's kitchen outside filled with water waiting to be frozen. The locations of these items are also important... they range from on the roof of the tree fort in our back yard to tied up in the net of our basketball hoop out front. When they were discussing their plans for their experiment they came to the conclusion that in order for them to get enough "data" they would have to test many different locations with many different containers and record the different results with each different location and container. This way they could cross reference the data they collected with data they collect in the future and use it to show exactly how the location of the water and the container it is held in affects how the water freezes. Yup, they are pretty smart little punks. I will take some pictures of the frozen water specimens tomorrow and post them to show you all how it went. Till next time.......


  1. Haha. that's hilarious! They are a lot like my brothers... only if we ever told them that it was a "learning" science experiment, they wouldn't have anything to do with it!

  2. hahaha taylor they are not smart enough to "cross reference" anything lol JK

  3. Wow, they are smart.
    When my bros and I were that age the only "science experiments" we did was to see how high we could get a tin can to fly with fire crackers. hahaha!

  4. Wow haha. That sounds kinda fun. It's not to often in Florida that you can make ice outside.

  5. Yeah, I kinds made up the whole thing about "cross referencing"...their original plan was more along the lines of "drop the water balloon on our friends car when she puled up", but they decided to freeze it instead. They really are smart, but their intentions for this latest adventure were not "exactly" how I portrayed them LOL.

  6. YOU DID IT!

    "*ahem* Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have music..."

  7. Haha yeah, thanks to your detailed directions :).

  8. ya buddy!!! now we have music!!!!! LOL ... "Proud of you by 10 years " is the best song!!!
