Friday, February 20, 2009

Guess what I just found out........

Eating a spoonful of Cinnamon really is impossible, enjoy :). Oh, save yourself a sore throat and don't try isn't worth it.


  1. Lol, oh my gosh!! That was so funny! But it also looked really painful. That just reaffirms that I will never try it!

  2. Hahaha!!!! Thats hilarious!
    Jonathan has actually swallowed a spoonful of cinnamon! I'm Serious. I don't know HOW he did but he did haha!

  3. Yeah, that stuff seriously burns for like EVER afterward lol. That is crazy that Jonathan could swallow a spoonful of it, I have no idea how anyone could be able to do that.

  4. ... wow... um. wow... That is crazy. You are totally insane. It really does seriously burn... ouch. I can't believe you did that... Who told you to?

    Owen, dude, your response was what made me laugh... lol. ;)

  5. Haha um, no one told me to, I just decided it would be pretty hilarious to do and then put up on the blog so I did :P. I watched some videos on Youtube of people trying it and it is pretty hilarious lol.

  6. witch response are you talking about Kaylee???

  7. I was really surprized Jonathan swallowed it.... but he does have a big mouth. hahaha ;D

  8. HAHAHA!! OMG!! yaaaa my sisters tricked me into doing that and yaaaa it burns lol.

  9. Yay!!! We just got the message that Dylan and Jessica's baby is on it's way! I'm sooooo happy for them! We'll definitely be praying that it all goes well! :)

  10. Yup yup! I am waiting for the call right now :)

  11. FYI!!!!!!!! its a boy!!!!!!!!!!! 9 Lbs 10 Ozs and 21 ins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his name is Darby Elias !!!!! thats for all you who dont get an email..... lol I dont have ANY pics yet we will try to get them up ASAP!!

  12. I know !!!!! he is huge!!! I'm still waiting for pics!!! (hurry up mom ) lol

  13. LOL That was just soooo funny!!! LOL I cracked up!!!
