Monday, February 16, 2009

One Crazy Week......

Surprise! Surprise! I am not dead for those of you who are wondering where I have been. Actually I have just been sleeping for the past 48 hours trying to regain the strength I lost while my nephews and niece were here this past week (just kidding). The week was amazingly busy though, so that's the reason I have not been posting, but I am planning on getting you all "up to speed" on all of the weeks happenings ;).

The activities of Elliott and Coleton:

When the kids first arrived there was the usual greetings; you know the "hey sis, good to see ya", "Elliott, you're huge dude!", "Coleton! what's up buddy?", and then the "Hello, Emi", which was returned with a typical two year old response, "No!". Throughout the week Emi started loosening up a little bit, but she still had that lingering two year old girl attitude :D. Anyway after the initial greetings E.J. (Elliott) and Coleton got down to business. Business for E.J. and Cole consists of playing in Dewey and Daniel's room (that's where all the toys are). They especially like to play with Legos, Hess trucks, the slot cars, and just about any other toy that catches their eye. Needless to say Dewey and Daniel's room did not look to great after E.J. and Cole got a hold of it, but E.J. and Cole cleaned up the room every night. They proceeded to wreck it again the next day, but they still were faithful to clean it up every night :). Throughout the week E.J. and Cole felt the need to expand their business realm, which meant......The sand pit. Now, the sandpit is not actually a sand pit, it is actually just a patch of our back yard that is missing grass that E.J. and Cole turned into a sandpit. As their first act as overseers of the sandpit was to incorporate a waterfall/lake in the middle of the pit. The waterfall/lake as you might have guessed was the hose. So, they dug, they saturated, they built, and then they tore down. As a result of this business venture there were certain side affects that were not very welcome, some of them being: A dump truck load of sand being tracked through the house, a bigger amount of wash for Keri to take care of, and the backing up of our septic system from all of the sand washed down our drains (ok the last one didn't really happen). After about a day and a half Keri and I decided that the boys business venture had to come to an end, so Keri (playing the part of party killer) had to tell the boys that the hose had to go and that their sand pit time would be limited from then on. It was a devastating blow for Elliott and Coleton. I am glad to say that their devastation was short lived thanks to the discovery of the skateboards. I am not sure how many hours they spent playing with those things, but I can tell you that they had a blast. Elliott and Cole use skateboards more as street luge boards than anything else. They start at the top of the driveway, lay with their bellies on the boards, and then roll down with their arms out like C-17's (C-17's are the planes that their Dad flies). So, that is a little bit of what E.J. and Cole did this past week.

The activities of Emi:

Emi had a very different experience throughout the week than that of the boys. The first thing Emi and I had to get straightened out name. Yes, sadly, she had forgotten my name. When she first got to our house everyone was either "Dewey" or "Daniel" and that was something I just could not live with. After we got that straightened out I had to help Emi remember that I was her favorite uncle cause, for some reason or another, she forgot (crazy, I know). Anyway, as it turns out there is a VERY good reason why they call the two year old stage the "Terrible Twos". Very soon after arriving I learned that the sweet little girl that I had seen just a few months before was replaced with a little girl who was EXTREMELY strong minded, and whose two favorite words were: "No" and "Mine". Yeah, that is why they call them the "Terrible Twos". Dealing with Emi was not all that bad actually, as long as you did what she wanted, how she wanted, and when she wanted. I learned to abide by those three principles very quickly and found that she is much more agreeable when those are abided by. That aside Emi is still the most adorable human being I know. She enjoys getting into anything and everything she can reach (and even things she "can't" reach). She likes to draw, play in the sand, talk and help mommy with her work, and on special occasions she likes to help do the dishes. Another thing that I find just totally adorable about my little princess is her way of talking. She is still in the stage where some of the syllables and sounds get mixed together or left out so her speech is a little confusing at times. For instance: My name is pronounced "Tater" in Emi language, Owen is pronounced "Own", Dewey is the only one she gets right, and Daniel is pronounced "Danal". We (My brothers and I) did not mind how she pronounced out names, it just adds to her cuteness :).

So, now you have a "small" idea of what went on here at the Nugent's house in the past week. I say small because to give you a BIG idea of what happened would take a LOT longer, so you will just have to be content with this :D. Till Next time..........


  1. Wow. It sounds like my family... Maybe we're not so weird after all! ;)
    It sounds like you guys are having a great time!

    Oh, Elliott & Cole, I fly C-17's down the driveway too... seriously.

  2. hahahaha Kaylee they could probably tell you 9 out of 10 planes that fly over your head LOL ... ya it was a fun week... they left sunday though.... :(

  3. Oh yeah, it is always fun when they come down :). Sorry, if the writing was kind of "scatterbrained", I did that whole thing at one sitting and I am not used to doing posts that long :P.

  4. Thanks for the comment! And thanks for reading through my posts! And Its totally ok that you didn't notice my blog at first, My brothers still haven't noticed LOL.
    I like your blog too, Your a great writer!
    God Bless!

    P.S. Music is AWESOME!

  5. Hahaha, your niece and nephews are so cute!!! It sounds like you all had a great time together! They must have had so much fun playing with all their awesome uncles!
